
Client:Charlotte CEO of TotalCtrl

The primary motivation behind developing this mobile app was to revolutionize the user buying experience and extend the convenience of the existing web platform to mobile devices. By providing a comprehensive and user-friendly app, the goal was to enhance customer satisfaction by offering seamless purchasing options, efficient management of delivered items, and proactive features such as expiry alerts and recipe suggestions. This initiative aimed not only to make grocery shopping more convenient and efficient but also to reduce food waste and promote better inventory management, ultimately leading to a more sustainable and enjoyable user experience.

Mobile App Features

  1. Enhanced Shopping Experience:
    • Mobile Purchasing: Allow existing customers to purchase products directly through the mobile app, offering a seamless transition from the website to the app.
    • User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface to enhance the overall user experience.
  2. Inventory Management:
    • Delivery Management: Manage delivered items easily within the app, tracking what has been received and what is still pending.
    • Kitchen Inventory: Add products to kitchen inventory effortlessly at the time of delivery using an easy scan feature.
  3. Shopping List Preparation:
    • Create and Manage Lists: Users can prepare and manage their shopping lists directly in the app, ensuring they never forget essential items.
    • Easy Access: Quick access to shopping lists for convenient reference during grocery shopping.
  4. Expiry Alerts:
    • Smart Notifications: Receive alerts for products that are approaching their expiration dates, helping users to use items in a timely manner and reduce waste.
  5. Recipe Suggestions:
    • Recipe Database: Access over 100 recipes directly within the app.
    • Ingredient-Based Suggestions: Get recipe suggestions based on the items currently in the kitchen inventory, particularly those nearing expiration.
  6. Product Scanning:
    • Barcode Scanner: Use the barcode scanner to add new products to the kitchen inventory quickly and accurately at the time of delivery.

Challenges and Solution

  1. Recipe Database: Scraping and Content Management
    Creating a comprehensive recipe database involved scraping content from various sources and managing this content effectively. Ensuring the accuracy, relevance, and consistency of the recipe data was a significant challenge.
    Implemented an automated web scraping tool to gather recipe data from trusted sources. Developed a robust content management system (CMS) to organize and maintain the scraped data, ensuring it is up-to-date and easily accessible for users. The CMS also allows for the addition of new recipes and updates to existing ones, maintaining the quality and relevance of the database.
  2. Interface Between Web and Mobile: Preparing API in Magento
    Ensuring seamless integration and communication between the web platform and the mobile app required a reliable interface. Developing an API that could handle the data exchange efficiently while maintaining security and performance standards was essential.
    Developed and integrated a set of APIs in Magento to facilitate smooth data transfer between the web platform and the mobile app. These APIs were designed to handle various functionalities, including product information, user data, and inventory updates. Ensured the APIs were secure, scalable, and optimized for performance to provide a seamless user experience across both platforms.



Team & Technology used

  • 3

    Mobile Engineers

  • 2

    Backend Engineers

  • 2

    Frontend Engineer

  • 1

    QA Engineer

  • SwiftSwift
  • Android NativeAndroid Native
  • Node JSNode JS
  • MysqlMysql
  • MagentoMagento
  • DockerDocker
  • PythonPython

We experience an extremely innovative technology solution. In just 4 months we’ve seen a 5% increase in sales through our app. We are looking forward to continuing the good cooperation!

Roy Snapa , CEO, Handleriet.no

How about we work together?