TotalCtrl Home

Client:Charlotte CEO of TotalCtrl

About App Features

TotalCtrl Home Application has successfully addressed the challenges of inventorytracking and recipe planning, providing users with a comprehensive solution to preventfood waste and save money. The user-friendly interface, smart expiry alerts, reciperecommendation engine, seamless data synchronization, and continuous improvementefforts contribute to a positive and efficient user experience, making meal planning andinventory management more accessible and enjoyable.

  1. Know what’s in your kitchen at any time: Developed an intuitive and user-friendly interface allowing easy input andtracking of items in the pantry, fridge, and freezer. This eliminates thecomplexity of manual tracking and ensures users are aware of what theyhave in stock.
  2. Add new products to your digital kitchen by scanning them: You can easily add products to Totalctrl Home by scanning their barcodesor finding them by name. Let's go with Totalctrl food waste solutions.
  3. Smart Expiry Alerts: Implemented a smart notification system that alerts users about itemsapproaching expiration. This feature aids in proactive consumption,reducing the likelihood of food waste.
  4. Recipe Recommendation Engine: TotalCtrl Home gives you recipes based on what you have available andwith soon-to-expire food. Not only does this eliminate the need to throwaway food, but it also provides you with fresh recipes giving you a healthylifestyle.
  5. Plan your next grocery shopping trip: With the shopping list function, you can strategize your next shopping trip,this way avoiding the purchase of unnecessary products.


Users face challenges in manually tracking items in their pantry, fridge, and freezer, leading to the risk of forgetting about certain products and eventual waste. Difficulty in planning meals based on the items available, especially when products are nearing their expiration dates, contributes to food waste and limits culinary creativity.


The ultimate goal was to build and launch a solution for users in the Norwegian Market. Our primary goal was to create a comprehensive solution for users to minimize food waste through efficient inventory management. This involved extensive research to identify core features such as user sign-up, onboarding, Scan and add Products in the Kitchen, Shopping List to Kitchen, and seamless data transfer from the Kitchen to the app. Prioritized UX/UI design, and outlined user flows, ensuring an intuitive and brand-aligned app. To deliver a bug-free product, the end-to-end testing was ongoing and in-house. As a result of the whole effort, the app is already 3+ years in the Norwegian market, and new features are being developed and launched.



Team & Technology used

  • 1

    Product Owner

  • 1

    Product Designer

  • 3

    Mobile Engineers

  • 2

    Backend Engineers

  • 2

    Frontend Engineer

  • 1

    QA Engineer

  • React NativeReact Native
  • MysqlMysql
  • DockerDocker
  • Node JSNode JS
  • PythonPython

Every app and software solution developed with Hands Together Tech has shown traction with users and paying clients. The team has been easy to work with, quickly adapting to needs and ensuring on-time deliveries. They have communicated with the client primarily through virtual meetings.

Charlotte Aschim , CEO

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